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Components & TypeScript

export interface Element {
readonly as?: keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap;
export type Currency = number; // | { readonly [key: string]: string };
export type SnipcartAttributes =
| 'id'
| 'class'
| 'data-item-id'
| 'data-item-name'
| 'date-item-image'
| 'data-item-price'
| `data-item-price-${string}`
| 'data-item-description'
| 'data-item-categories'
| 'data-item-metadata'
| 'data-item-url'
| 'data-item-file-guid'
| 'data-item-quantity'
| 'data-item-min-quantity'
| 'data-item-max-quantity'
| 'data-item-quantity-step'
| 'data-item-stackable'
| 'data-item-shippable'
| 'data-item-has-taxes-included'
| 'data-item-taxes'
| `data-item-custom${number}-name`
| `data-item-custom${number}-options`
| `data-item-custom${number}-type`
| `data-item-custom${number}-required`
| `data-item-custom${number}-placeholder`
| `data-item-custom${number}-placeholder`
| 'data-item-weight'
| 'data-item-length'
| 'data-item-height'
| 'data-item-width'
| 'data-item-width';
export interface SnipcartProductDimensions {
readonly weightInGrams?: number;
readonly lengthInCentimeters?: number;
readonly heightInCentimeters?: number;
readonly widthInCentimeters?: number;
export type SnipcartProductCustomField = {
readonly name: string;
readonly options: readonly string[];
readonly value?: string;
readonly type?: string;
readonly required?: boolean;
readonly placeholder?: string;
export type SnipcartProductStackable = 'auto' | 'never' | 'always';
export interface SnipcartProduct {
readonly id: string;
readonly name: string;
readonly price: Currency;
readonly url?: string | URL;
readonly description?: string;
readonly image?: string;
readonly categories?: readonly string[];
readonly metadata?: { readonly [key: string]: string };
readonly fileGuid?: string;
readonly quantity?: number;
readonly minimumQuantity?: number;
readonly maximumQuantity?: number;
readonly quantityStep?: number;
readonly dimensions?: SnipcartProductDimensions;
readonly customFields?: readonly SnipcartProductCustomField[];
readonly stackable?: SnipcartProductStackable;
readonly shippable?: boolean;
readonly taxable?: boolean;
readonly taxes?: readonly string[];
readonly hasTaxesIncluded?: boolean;
export interface ProductMeta {
readonly currency: string;
readonly relatedProductIds?: readonly string[];
readonly additionalImages?: readonly string[];
readonly originalPrice?: Currency;
readonly variants?: readonly string[];
readonly sizes?: readonly string[];
// This type is likely to be refactored away.
export type SnipcartProductWithProductMeta = SnipcartProduct &
Omit<ProductMeta, 'relatedProductIds'>;



Used to install the Snipcart library.

  • Requires the environment variable PUBLIC_SNIPCART_API_KEY to be set.
  • Must be inserted into the <head>, such as in a base layout component.
import { SnipcartSetup } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart/astro';


Used to trigger the opening of the Snipcart dialog.

  • Slotted content will automatically trigger opening.
import { CartCheckout } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart/astro';
<button>Open basket</button>


Used to allow a customer to login or signup.

  • The account is managed by Snipcart.
  • Must be enabled in the Snipcart dashboard. Default is to allow guests only.
  • Does nothing if allow guests only is enabled.
import { CartCheckout } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart/astro';


Used to render the count of total items in the cart.

  • Snipcart will render the value.
import { CartItemsCount } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart/astro';
You have <CartItemsCount /> items in your cart.


Used to render the total price of the items in the cart.

  • Snipcart will render the value.
import { CartTotalPrice } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart/astro';
You have £<CartItemsCount /> worth of items in your cart.


Used to define a product that is added to the cart when the user interacts with the component.

  • This is a renderless component. That is, it does not visually render anything other than the slotted content and the appropriate Snipcart data attributes.
  • Clicking this component triggers the adding of a product to the cart.
  • Snipcart looks for the existence of this component with the appropriate data attributes and values as part of it’s order validation (Snipcart can also use a JSON returning API for this).
import { Product } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart/astro';
name="Standard T-Shirt"
description="Every day basic t-shirt"