Components & TypeScript
import { SnipcartProduct } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart';
export interface Element { readonly as?: keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap;}
export type Size = 'xsmall' | 'small' | 'standard' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge';
export type Weight = 'light' | 'regular' | 'medium' | 'strong';
export type Tone = | 'attention' | 'caution' | 'positive' | 'neutral' | 'informational' | 'passive' | 'none';
export type Tracking = 'normal' | 'tight' | 'tighter';
export type Decoration = 'none' | 'underline' | 'line-through';
export type Direction = 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
export type JustifyContent = 'start' | 'end' | 'center' | 'between' | 'around' | 'evenly';
export type Wrap = 'none' | 'wrap' | 'reverse';
export type Breakpoint = { readonly mobile?: Size; readonly tablet?: Size; readonly desktop?: Size;};
export type BreakpointExperimental<T> = { readonly mobile?: T; readonly tablet?: T; readonly desktop?: T;};
export type ProductCard = Element & SnipcartProduct & { readonly currencySymbol: string; readonly image: string; };
export interface PageLink { readonly to: string; readonly label: string;}
export interface HeaderConfiguration { readonly storeName: string; readonly links: readonly PageLink[];}
Used as the fundamental component for typography.
- Provides props for weight, size, tone, and tracking.
---import { Text } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart-design-system/astro';---
<Text> Hello, world!</Text><Text tone"positive" size="medium"> Hello, world!</Text>
Used for creating internal or external links.
---import { Text, Link } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart-design-system/astro';---
<Link to="/sales"> <Text> Hello, world! </Text></Link>
Uses the Text typography component to style and format prices and sale prices.
- If a price is a sales price then the old price will be displayed as a strike through and the new price will be displayed next to it and styled with the
design token. - Uses Intl.NumberFormat to format the currency with the specified currency symbol.
- Can be sized due to usage of the
---import { Price } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart-design-system/astro';---<Price currency="GBP" price={ 10 } /><Price currency="GBP" price={ 10 } originalPrice={ 20 } /><Price currency="GBP" price={ 10 } originalPrice={ 20 } size="xlarge" />
Used for user actions.
- Currently has props for tone and full width.
---import { Button } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart-design-system/astro';---<Button>I'm a default button</Button>
<Button tone="positive">Confirm</Button><Button tone="caution">Cancel</Button>
<Button fullWidth> I'm a button that fills the width of its container</Button>
Used as an abstraction over flex box providing an easy to use layout primitive.
- Can layout child elements horizontally or vertically.
- A responsive gap between elements can be set - for example, smaller gaps on mobile but bigger on desktop.
- Can apply flex wrap to child elements.
- Can justify child elements.
---import { Stack } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart-design-system/astro';---<Stack gap={{ mobile: 'xsmall', tablet: 'small', desktop: 'medium', }}> <Text>We're in a stack</Text> <Text>We're in a stack</Text> <Text>We're in a stack</Text> <Text>We're in a stack</Text></Stack>
<Stack direction="horizontal"> <Text>We're in a stack horizontally</Text> <Text>We're in a stack horizontally</Text></Stack>
<Stack direction="vertical"> <Text>We're in a stack vertical</Text> <Text>We're in a stack vertical</Text></Stack>
Used to display a product in card form, usually as part of a larger feature.
- Features an image, title, price, and description.
- Also features a list of variant names
- The layout is responsive via the use of
component. The text components are in a verical layout on mobile and horizontal on tablet and desktop. - Price is formatted with a
Price component.
- Does not currently support displaying size or color variants.
---import { ProductGrid } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart-design-system/astro';---<ProductGrid> { => ( <ProductCard currency="GBP" { ...product } /> )) }</ProductGrid>
Used as an abstraction over CSS Grid facilitating a grid responsive layout of products.
- Features a responsive number of columns.
---import { ProductGrid } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart-design-system/astro';---<ProductGrid> { => ( <ProductCard currency="GBP" { ...product } /> )) }</ProductGrid>
Used as a page header with logo, links, and cart.
- Currently has props for tone and full width.
---import { Header } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart-design-system/astro';---
Used for large featured content that should draw the users attention.
- The Hero has a heading, subheading, a slot, and an image.
---import { Hero } from '@lloydjatkinson/astro-snipcart-design-system/astro';---<Hero heading="30% off all products" subHeading="Starting tomorrow" image="/t-shirts.jpg"> <Link to="/sales"> <Text tone="positive"> See what's on sale </Text> </Link></Hero>
Primarily intended for use on the homepage but can be used anywhere.
- Composes multiple components to create a storefront.
- It’s default slot will be slotted into a Hero component.
<StorePageLayout title="Astro Snipcart by @lloydjatkinson" description="Example usage" storeName="Astro Snipcart Integration" useDefaultLogo="hexagon" image="/assets/images/t-shirts-on-hangers.jpg" banner="30% off selected products"> <Storefront title="Astro Snipcart Integration" description="Demo store for Astro and Snipcart" heroHeading="The here and now" heroSubHeading="30% off selected products" heroImage="/assets/images/t-shirts-on-hangers.jpg" products={ sortedProducts }> I'm inside the hero component! </Storefront></StorePageLayout>