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Astro Snipcart

Start selling products with some HTML and Astro components in minutes!

Astro Hackathon Winner!

Astro Snipcart won a previous hackathon. It was submitted in two categories and won one of them.

I won.

Next steps

Astro components define products

Define products using Astro components, and use them in your pages. Display basket item count and total too.

Fetch products from a CMS or API

Snipcart is very flexible, and so is this integration. You can fetch products from any source you like, even files.

Automatic library installation

Simply use <SnipcartSetup /> to fetch the Snipcart library.

Zero JavaScript by default

No JavaScript, apart from the Snipcart library, is loaded.

TypeScript product definitions

TypeScript definitions for Snipcart products are included. These are surfaced as Astro component props.

Optional design system

An optional small design system providing common e-commerce components.